ARH Two Player Game Update Lando Calrissian is prepared for the fight of his life as Nien Nunb pilots his prized Millennium Falcon closer to the second Death Star… Meanwhile, an Imperial Navy Squad Leader heads a squadron of TIE Fighters…

ARH Two Player Game Update Lando Calrissian is prepared for the fight of his life as Nien Nunb pilots his prized Millennium Falcon closer to the second Death Star… Meanwhile, an Imperial Navy Squad Leader heads a squadron of TIE Fighters…
ARH Organized Play Update Fellow Destiny players – there comes a time every year where we reflect on ourselves and how we are moving forward. This time calls for both joyous remembrance of the past and what’s been accomplished, but also,…
Witches! How fitting for the Halloween season. Witches have been part of the Destiny since its inception, first coming to prominence in the meta with Nightsister’s inclusion in the infamous rainbow 9’s lineup and they never really left. Though typically supporting…
The First Reprint List The first reprint list was legal as of September 1st, 2021. This list, comprising of 100 cards, was voted on by the SWD community, comprising of cards from the Awakenings and Legacies block. Announced on August 17th…
Welcome to the final installment on our look back on the Tatooine Galactic Open! Today, Norman walks us through his deck choice and building process for the Jyn Erso/Han Solo (High Stakes) deck he played to a 6-0 finish in the…
Earlier this week, A Renewed Hope shared a write up from Hipo on his deck choice and match ups for his impressive 6-0 run in the second heat of our Tatooine Galactic Open. In the coming days, we will also be sharing…
Last weekend, A Renewed Hope held our Tatooine Galactic Open event, comprised of three different Heats. The first event was won by Norman on Jyn Erso (Faltering Allegiances), Han Solo (High Stakes), and Intelligence Operation. The next two events were both…
A Renewed Hope is excited to be hosting the Tatooine Open this weekend, our second Galactic Open on TTS. There is still time to sign up! All 3 heats come complimentary with a spot gloss for participation, and a chance to…
As many of you know from the announcement on our September 19, 2021 Live Stream, the Artificery League is being brought in under the A Renewed Hope umbrella, and on October 1, 2021, the first ever A Renewed Hope Monthly League…
In early 2020, the A Renewed Hope team came together with one goal in mind – keep Star Wars Destiny alive. The writing was on the wall that official production and support for Star Wars Destiny was in jeopardy, but we…