Welcome to the third edition of the Mos Eisley Gazette! This is a series of articles that aims to highlight the passion and effort put forth by event organizers or dedicated fans who keep their local Destiny scenes alive!
Looking for some inspiration to start your own scene or simply want to learn about and get plugged in to an established scene? Join us for each edition of the Mos Eisley Gazette as we get to know the heroes of the many IRL Destiny scenes still kicking around the world and take a brief journey to their local scenes.
Today we are in Scarborough, U.K catching up with the a familiar name in the ARH Destiny community (lead designer for the 2 Player Game Galactic Struggle, and the man responsible for the ARH database) Ace Jon.
When was the moment you became a fan of Star Wars?
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I remember watching the OT movies when they were on TV around Christmases in the 90s – I was the only one in my house who cared but I thought they were great. I saw the prequels as a teen and didn’t think much of them, because they aren’t very good movies. But at that point I had the OT on DVDs and I was hooked. Darth Vader is my jam.

How did you get into SW Destiny?
I remember around the time the Two Player Game came out in the UK, a big online retailer that doesn’t deserve to be named was running a promotion on them. So I picked up one for myself and a few more for friends as I knew it’d be rubbish without a ‘meta’ going – I used to play a bit of Magic: the Gathering as a teen but wisely sold out of it before it ate my wallet.
What’s your favourite aspect of your local scene?
With my friends and I all with our starter sets, it wasn’t long before we connected with the larger local community and went to some small events at TAU Gaming, our local card games shop. It wasn’t long before we were buying boxes and organising draft events – I was looking forward to the first draft kit coming out, and it’s been my favourite way to play in person since.

Any memorable moments you’d like to share?
I’d like to mention going to larger events outside of Scarborough. Qualifiers, Nationals (my most recent event, at UKGE) and the awesome annual Cantina Royale charity event – these have been great to attend with Scarborough friends and to meet other players across the country. It’s cool checking in with people after a few rounds. You might be going 1-2, but your friend’s on a hot 3-0 win streak, so now you’re winning vicariously. Recently, it’s been great to put faces to names for all the ARH Discord folk I’ve met.

Any advice for someone who wants to build a local Destiny scene?
I believe this strongly: the key is teenagers. If you can grab the attention of the local teenagers with your strange Star Wars dice game, the rest will come. I keep starter decks ready, but I’ve found most interest has come from people watching over the shoulders of a competitive game. Give stuff away for free, and point people to where they can get more.

How should folks get in touch with you?
I’m Ace Jon. I believe in your ability to find me. (Editors note – that’s Ace Jon#3076 on Discord 😛 )
Thank You
Ace Jon – We thank you for taking the time to share info on the Scarborough Destiny community with us.
Your local scene
Do you have a local Destiny scene? Or are interested in starting one up? Please reach out to us HERE. We would love to support you in kicking off something new or simply reinforcing the scene you’ve already built!