Tournament Report

Mos Eisley Gazette: All Hail DJ the Hutt! (Resurgence Release)

How many shields can Yaddle generate in a day? Will Allya lead a witch resurgence? Are Dooku and Asajj really neutral? Why is Cassian afraid of Linus Mosk? And is it possible we’ve been underestimating Bib Fortuna all along?!?

Two weeks ago, players from around the globe gathered to answer these questions and to celebrate the release of Resurgence in a day-long tournament. Today, we catch up with Djclero who took down the coveted title.

Mos Eisley Gazette: UK Grand Championships

Last weekend, top players from across the UK (and Sweden!) gathered in Birmingham to compete for the UK Grand Championships. With the Resurgence set release just around the corner, the event represents both the last major competition of the Display of Power meta and a powerful demonstration of what makes in-person play so special. We have all the highlights here!

Mos Eisley Gazette: Laundromat Prime (Swindon)

March has been a great month for in-person Destiny with Prime events on two continents!

The Swindon event included all the upsides of IRL Destiny: casual games around the edges, tall tales from past competitions, speculation about ARH7, vigorous debate on whether the crumpet exists (in disguise) in the States, and even speculation about why so many beautiful people were queuing outside the Old Town Launderette.