The First Reprint List

The first reprint list was legal as of September 1st, 2021. This list, comprising of 100 cards, was voted on by the SWD community, comprising of cards from the Awakenings and Legacies block. 

Announced on August 17th by Agent of Zion, this first reprint list stirred up a lot of conversation. We asked you, the community, to vote for the cards you would like to see a return to the game, and we had implemented it with minimal sanitizing to closely reflect the desire of the community. 

For a full breakdown of how we picked the initial list, please click here.

As the reprint list as voted was a “Destiny’s Greatest Hits” list, it created a wildly unpredictable meta which caused a lot of polarized reactions. Only a few weeks into the reprint list meta we saw a ban of mean streets as the tempo decks were very problematic and with the extra tools at their disposal had too much of a strong tool kit. 

While we have seen a great amount of diversity in deck builds with this reprint list, ultimately we felt that we needed to do a re-engineering of the list to make sure it was fit for future competitive play. 

Guiding Principles

When assessing what should be included, we followed the following core principles:

  • Stability – While the rotation list is a living document, we spent a lot of time making sure we built a strong foundation so there aren’t massive changes from reprint list to reprint list. 
  • Staples – We have no desire to redesign what is already perfectly designed by FFG. Staples like Field Medic, Flank, etc. form the foundation of the reprint list.
  • Healthy Ecosystem – When choosing which cards to add to the reprint list, we paid attention to how its insertion would affect the overall ecosystem of available cards: how many burn cards are available, how many mill, how many removal, … 
  • Color/Faction balanced – Same principles as announced in our previous article.
  • Meshes with the future set design vision

The List

For a breakdown of the reprint list, watch below video:

The full list of cards is broken down in our Holocron







Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: When will this reprint list be tournament legal?

A: The reprint list will be legal upon release, November 1st. 

Q: How long will this reprint list be tournament legal? 

A: The date of ECHOES OF DESTINY REPRINT LIST 3 will be announced at a later time. Our intent is to make sure we strike a balance between keeping the meta fresh and not creating undue burdens for in-person play.

Q: Will future reprint lists deviate a lot from the current reprint list?

A: For in-person play, having to keep track of what is standard legal can be very challenging. Players having to hunt down cards from previous sets they can’t print every few months can be a headache. As such, we plan to introduce just enough change to freshen up the format without upending everything. 

Q: Does rotation kick in when this reprint list goes live?

A: Not quite. Rotation of the convergence and Allies of Necessities goes into effect on November 19th, 2021 with the release of Unlikely Heroes. As a refresher, the rotation schedule is lined out below:

What’s next?

We have a lot of exciting milestones ahead in the next two months. 

November 2021

Release of ARH-4 – Unlikely Heroes

Release Event ARH-4 (details coming soon!!)

Release of our new database 

Release of a Revamped Holocron

December 2021

Release of a new Two-Player Set

I hope everyone is as excited as we are about this next phase of Star Wars Destiny. Thank you for continuing to join us on this journey. 

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100% of your contributions will be used for prize support and direct costs to run ARH. We appreciate your support, and may the Force be with you!

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