ARH Organized Play Update
Fellow Destiny players – there comes a time every year where we reflect on ourselves and how we are moving forward. This time calls for both joyous remembrance of the past and what’s been accomplished, but also, in fairness, a critical view.
As we close out 2021, we want to share important updates with you regarding the following Organized Play (OP) items:
- Convention events (e.g. LVO, AdeptiCon and MomoCon)
- December 2021 Sunday weeklies
- Galactic Open series for the Unlikely Heroes meta
- Mid-cycle event for the Unlikely Heroes meta
- In-person event registration process
First, we would like to thank you for sticking with us and playing so many games in the ARH Standard format. It brings immeasurable joy to our design and production teams, and all the rest of the ARH family for that matter, to see their hard work payoff – cards being talked about and played with, reactions to art, debates about interactions, and the list goes on. This is the core of our product and service – the cards and your experience with them!
Now for the OP updates…
Convention Events
A few months back during our livestream event, we announced exciting plans for competitive in-person play to take place at the following US based conventions: LVO in January 2022, AdeptiCon in March 2022 and MomoCon in May 2022. Due to a variety of circumstances including but not limited to the pandemic, convention “red tape,” and, admittedly, our own “learning curve” as we embrace in person play, these events will no longer take place as planned.
We should have informed you, the community, sooner about these changes. We recognize that transparency and significant advance notice is critical to make in person play a success, so we will do better in 2022.
Regarding “Worlds 2022” at the US GenCon convention in August 2022, we are still working through those details. We believe we can still make this happen, but if we can’t, we will communicate with you as soon as possible.
December 2021 Sunday Weeklies
Weeklies held on Sunday, December 12th and Sunday, December 19th will be FREE!
Check THIS PAGE for details.
Galactic Open Series for UH Meta
January 8th and January 9th will see the next Galactic Open series held on Tabletop Simulator (TTS)!
More information to come.
Mid-cycle Event for UH Meta
The mid-cycle event will be February 26th and held on Tabletop Simulator (TTS).
More information to come.
In-Person Event Registration Process
We had hoped to kick off in-person play in 2022 at LVO in January. While this plan was always quite ambitious, it had a very simple philosophy behind it:
- Give the community a reason to meet up and play, have fun and, perhaps most importantly, form lasting connections with your fellow players across the community.
We believe this philosophy is so simple that it holds true regardless of the size of the event. To that end, we call upon you, our fans, players and LIFEBLOOD of the game, to help us take the next step.
Complete THIS FORM to register your local in person event. We will support you and your event to the fullest extent possible (prize support, marketing, on site or virtual resources, etc.). We want to see ARH cards and dice hit real life tables in your local communities around the world, so let’s do this together!