A Renewed Hope is Now on Patreon

Our goal at ARH has always been to create a community that is inclusive and fun, while making the game as easily accessible as possible. In that vein, we’ve put a lot of effort into making all of our cards and other resources freely available for download on our site, as well as organizing free to play events for our players.

However, while we’re happy to provide all of this (and more) for free to our players, we have bigger plans for ARH moving forward, and there are operating costs for us as an organization that are necessary to make that happen.

One example of these types of costs is OP prize support. In our FA Release Party Tournament, for example, we gave away a ton of prizes, including alt art cards, playmats, and even entire professionally printed playsets! (Side note: We’re doing it again for Redemption, so make sure you sign up for the Redemption Release Party here to play!) At that point we were just releasing our first set, and we were excited to share our work with the world, so we took on the cost of making and shipping these prizes ourselves. As you can imagine, however, this isn’t really a sustainable method long term, especially given how we have much larger plans for the future of OP outside of online TTS events (no details on this quite yet, but stay tuned).

How Can I Help?

We’re glad you asked! For quite some time now we’ve had people reach out to ask how they can help support the project directly. While we truly love that our community was willing to pitch in, we decided to delay accepting donations initially for a few reasons.

We’ll get into those reasons here in a moment if you’re interested, but we also don’t want to bury the lead, so I’ll get right to it! If you’re interested in supporting what we’re doing here at SWD: ARH, you can do so by clicking here to become a Patron. The entire team thanks you for your generosity, we couldn’t do this without all of you!

OK so let’s talk about why it took so long to get here in the first place. To start, when people were initially asking to contribute, we were very new, and we felt like we needed to prove ourselves first. It felt a little premature to ask for any sort of donations before we even launched our first set. What if our tournament went poorly and Faltering Allegiances was a bust? We take our roles at ARH very seriously, and we wanted to prove both to the community and ourselves that we could do it right before we accepted any direct support.

Now, with a successful set under our belt, a release tournament that was a wild success beyond what we could have hoped for, and now getting ready to release our second set on schedule, we feel like we’ve shown our dedication both to the community and the quality of our work.

Of course the second reason we decided to hold off initially was for legal purposes. I won’t bore you with the details, but creating anything for a game in the Star Wars universe obviously has some hoops you need to jump through, so we wanted to make sure we dotted all our i’s and crossed all our t’s before doing anything. Since then we’ve gotten our ducks all in a row, and we’re ready to take ARH to the next level.

How Will My Contributions Be Used?

Another excellent question! Let’s start by stating, as clear as we possibly can, 100% of your contributions will be used for prize support and direct costs to run ARH. No individual on the ARH team will be taking a profit of any kind, this is 100% to support the effort for the game.

To be more specific, contributions will be used in a wide number of ways to meet that goal. Here is a quick list of ways contributions will be used to support ARH. Note that this is not a comprehensive list, and that some of these are still having details ironed out, but will cover a large part of how contributions will be used.

  • Tournament prize support
  • Shipping costs of said prize support
  • Website hosting fees
  • In-person Organized Play kits (details to come)
  • In-person major Organized Play events (details to come)
  • Possible future commissioned artwork

That about sums it up! We’re really excited for the future of Destiny, and we have a lot of exciting things in the works that we can’t wait to share with you.

Be sure to join our Discord to join in on the community, and as always thank you for your generous support for ARH!

Support ARH On Patreon

ARH is a completely volunteer, non-profit organization with a single goal: To provide the best possible experience for the continuation of Star Wars: Destiny. If you enjoy our content, please consider supporting us on either Patreon or PayPal.

100% of your contributions will be used for prize support and direct costs to run ARH. We appreciate your support, and may the Force be with you!

Donate via PatreonDonate via PayPal