A Renewed Hope Weekly Tournament Entry – November 7, 2021

A Renewed Hope Weekly Tournament Entry – November 7, 2021


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SKU: weekly-November-7 Category: Product ID: 4961


Entry into A Renewed Hope’s Weekly tournament series.

Event will be 3 or 4 rounds depending on turnout, and 100 percent of entry fees will be paid out as cash prizes.

Once you’ve registered, make sure to sign up at: https://tabletop.to/arh-no-din-november

The tournament will be played online using Tabletop Simulator and hosted on the official A Renewed Hope Discord: https://discord.gg/JGHTbHWYvg

Tournament start time is 3:00 EDT/2:00 CDT/8:00 BDT.

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ARH is a completely volunteer, non-profit organization with a single goal: To provide the best possible experience for the continuation of Star Wars: Destiny. If you enjoy our content, please consider supporting us on either Patreon or PayPal.

100% of your contributions will be used for prize support and direct costs to run ARH. We appreciate your support, and may the Force be with you!

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